Plot: Flappy Bird is a mobile game developed by Vietnamese video game artist and programmer Dong Nguyen, under his game development company dotGears. The game is a side-scroller where the player controls a bird, attempting to fly between columns of green pipes without hitting them. Wikipedia
Plot: Cookie Clicker is an incremental game created by French programmer Julien Orteil Thiennot in 2013. The user initially clicks on a big cookie on the screen, earning a single cookie per click. Wikipedia
Plot: Cookie Clicker is an incremental game created by French programmer Julien Orteil Thiennot in 2013. The user initially clicks on a big cookie on the screen, earning a single cookie per click. Wikipedia
Plot: Angry Birds is a 2009 casual puzzle video game developed by Rovio Entertainment. Inspired primarily by a sketch of stylized wingless birds, the game was first released for iOS and Maemo devices in December 2009. Wikipedia