Plot: Fighters Destiny, known in Japan as Fighting Cup is a 1998 video game developed by Opus Corp. and published by Ocean Software, Infogrames, and Imagineer for the Nintendo 64. It closely models the 3D fighting game standard set by Sega's Virtua Fighter, but integrates a unique point scoring system. Wikipedia...
Plot: G.A.S.P!! Fighters' NEXTream is a fighting video game for the Nintendo 64 released in 1998. The story follows a series of fighters that have each received a mysterious letter to compete in a legendary contest, and about a champion that has disappeared. The American and Canadian versions are known as...
Plot: Dual Heroes is a fighting game for Nintendo 64. The game was developed by Produce! and published by Hudson Soft in Japan, Electro Brain in North America and Gaga Interactive Media in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: ClayFighter 63⅓ is a fighting video game developed and published by Interplay Productions for the Nintendo 64 video game console in 1997. The title is a parody of other games released for the N64 at the time, many of which were popular franchises with 64 suffixed. Wikipedia
Plot: Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. is a 3D fighting video game released by Midway in 1998. It was originally planned for arcades. Prototypes of the game were tested at arcades, but the final arcade release was canceled and the game was later released for the PlayStation, Nintendo 64 and Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia
Plot: Duck Dodgers Starring Daffy Duck is a platform video game for the Nintendo 64 released in 2000. Based on the cartoon, the player takes control of Daffy Duck and explores five fictional planets and saves the Earth. Wikipedia
Plot: Hiryū no Ken is a series of fighting video games dating back to 1985. They have been developed by Culture Brain and released for the arcades, NES, Super NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, PlayStation and Nintendo 64 platforms. Wikipedia
Plot: Mace: The Dark Age is a fighting video game released by Atari Games for arcade machines in 1997 and ported by Midway to the Nintendo 64 in 1997. Like many fighting games of the time, its style is marked by extreme violence, with characters graphically slaying defeated opponents. Wikipedia
Plot: Dark Rift is a 3D fighting video game for the Nintendo 64, notable for being the first N64 game to use 60 frames per second. It has been referred to as the Nintendo 64's first native fighting game, though in actuality it is a port of a cancelled Sega Saturn game. Wikipedia
Plot: AeroGauge is a futuristic, sci-fi hovercraft racing game designed for the Nintendo 64 game console and was released in 1998. The game was originally set for a U.S. release in February 1998, but it was delayed first to April 2, before finally getting the release date of May 21, 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Centre Court Tennis is a tennis game for the Nintendo 64 released in 1999 in Europe. It was released under the name Let's Smash in Japan in 1998. Famitsu rated it 27/40. X64 Magazine rated it 80% and Consoles + rated it 89%. 64Power/Big.N magazine rated it 87% and TOTAL! magazine rated it 3. Wikipedia...