Plot: Fate/Extella Link is an action game that acts as a sequel to Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star. It features a new story that takes place after the original focusing on the Saber Charlemagne. There are expanded gameplay with additional objectives and an in-battle Master system.
Plot: Unturned is a free-to-play survival game developed by Smartly Dressed Games, a studio solely consisting of Canadian game designer Nelson Sexton. It was released for Microsoft Windows, MacOS, and Linux on July 7, 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star is an action video game developed and published by Marvelous. The game is the third installment in the universe that began with Fate/Extra and the second one to be released outside of Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an open world action-adventure video game based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, and the 2014 film of the same name. Wikipedia
Plot: The Amazing Spider-Man is an open world action-adventure video game, based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, and the 2012 film of the same name. It was developed by Beenox and published by Activision. Wikipedia