Plot: Ever Oasis is an action-adventure role-playing video game developed by Grezzo and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS video game console. Ever Oasis resembles the Mana series, which also involved director Koichi Ishii, in its gameplay elements, and is considered to be that series spiritual successor...
Plot: Fantasy Life is a role-playing life simulation game developed and published by Level-5 for the Nintendo 3DS. The game was released in Japan in 2012, and was released worldwide by Nintendo in 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Wonder Flick was a role-playing video game developed and published by Level-5, which was released for iOS and Android devices. Versions for the Wii U, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One were planned but were eventually cancelled upon the shutdown of the mobile version in 2015...
Plot: Monster Strike is a mobile Japanese role-playing physics game with elements of puzzle, strategy and cooperative multiplayer. It is developed by XFLAG for iOS and Android platforms. The game was created by former Capcom game designer Yoshiki Okamoto. In Japan, its name is often shortened to MonSt. Wikipedia...
Plot: Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is a free-to-play game in the Dissidia Final Fantasy series for the iOS and Android platforms, co-developed by Square Enix and Team Ninja of Koei Tecmo, and published by Square Enix. The game released in Japan on February 1, 2017 and worldwide at the end of January...
Plot: Granblue Fantasy is a Japanese media franchise and a role-playing video game developed by Cygames for Android, iOS and web browsers, which first released in Japan in March 2014. Wikipedia