Plot: Fantasy Earth Zero is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game developed for Microsoft Windows. Originally developed by Puraguru and Multiterm under the title Fantasy Earth: The Ring of Dominion, it released under that title in February 2006 by Square Enix as a paid product through its PlayOnline...
Plot: Lord of Vermilion is an arcade-based fantasy collectible card game developed by Think Garage and distributed by Square Enix in which players control combat cards on an arcade play surface. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy team's Arcana Stones and eliminate their servants in order to...
Plot: Final Fantasy Explorers- Force was an online multiplayer video game based on Final Fantasy Explorers. It was released in Japan on March 15, 2018, for iOS and Android. Due to low interest, the game was shut down on February 19, 2019.