Plot: Fallen Legion is a role-playing video game series developed by Indonesian studio Mintsphere and YummyYummyTummy. The games are a series of action-based sidescrolling RPGs in the style of traditional JRPGs. Wikipedia
Plot: Fallen Legion is a role-playing video game series developed by Indonesian studio Mintsphere and YummyYummyTummy. The games are a series of action-based sidescrolling RPGs in the style of traditional JRPGs. Wikipedia
Plot: Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is an adventure role-playing game by the creators of Quest for Glory, Lori Cole and Corey Cole, developed with a custom Unity engine. It is based on the School for Heroes, the defunct e-mail based web game the Coles had created previously. Wikipedia
Plot: Grand Kingdom is a 2015 tactical role-playing game developed by Monochrome Corporation for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. It is considered a spiritual successor to 2011's Grand Knights History. Wikipedia
Plot: The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav is a 2012 graphic adventure game developed by the German studio Daedalic Entertainment and published by Deep Silver. Part of The Dark Eye series, the game is set in the fictional place of Aventuria within the Kingdom of Andergast. Wikipedia
Plot: Zone of the Enders, officially abbreviated as Z.O.E., is a third-person shooter hack-and-slash video game that was developed and published by Konami for the Sony PlayStation 2. It was released on March 1, 2001, in Japan, and later that month for North America and Europe. Wikipedia