Plot: Fairlight is an isometric projection arcade adventure video game developed by Bo Jangeborg and Jack Wilkes at The Edge and released in 1985. Developed in seven months, Jangeborg created the GRAX game engine using some prior code and components from his earlier project, graphics package The Artist....
Plot: Inside Outing is an isometric arcade adventure game released by The Edge in 1988 for the ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and Commodore 64. It was later also released for the Atari ST and Amiga with the title Raffles. Subsequent 8-bit reissues were also given this title. Wikipedia
Plot: Hydrofool is an isometric 3D action-adventure game released by FTL in 1987 for the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC. It is the sequel to Sweevo's World. The game music was composed by Rob Hubbard, with the title track based on Abe Holzmann's Blaze Away! Wikipedia
Plot: The Fourth Protocol is an interactive fiction video game based on Frederick Forsyth's 1984 spy novel The Fourth Protocol. The game was released in 1985 by Hutchinson Computer Publishing, a subsidiary of the publishing house Hutchinson. Wikipedia
Plot: Fantasia Diamond is a text adventure game by Kim Topley and published by Hewson Consultants. It was released in 1984 for the Amstrad CPC, Acorn Electron, ZX Spectrum and BBC Micro home computers. Wikipedia
Plot: Alien Highway: Encounter 2 is an isometric 3D arcade adventure game released by Vortex in 1986 for the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC. It was programmed by Mark Haigh-Hutchinson and is the sequel to Highway Encounter. Wikipedia
Plot: Fat Worm Blows a Sparky is action game written by Julian Todd for the ZX Spectrum and published by Durell Software in 1986. Todd wrote the game in the five months before going to university. It was not ported to other systems, and it is the only published game he developed. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Punch-Out!! is a 1984 arcade game by Nintendo. As the sequel to Punch-Out!! of the same year, it retains the same gameplay and digitized speech. It introduces new characters to the Punch-Out!! series such as Bear Hugger, Dragon Chan, Vodka Drunkenski, Great Tiger, and Super Macho Man. Wikipedia...
Plot: Bobby Bearing is an isometric action-adventure game released by The Edge in 1986 for the Sinclair Spectrum. It was ported to the Amstrad CPC and Commodore 64 by Trevor Inns. Wikipedia
Plot: Gnome Ranger II: Ingrid's Back is a text adventure game by Level 9 released in 1988. It is the sequel to Gnome Ranger The game is a standard text adventure with limited graphics on some platforms. Again, a short novella by Peter McBride is included explaining the background to the story and providing...
Plot: Sweevo's World is an isometric 3D arcade adventure game released by Gargoyle Games in 1986 for the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC. An enhanced version for the Spectrum 128K was also released, titled Sweevo's Whirled. The game was followed by a sequel, Hydrofool. Wikipedia