Plot: Wild Cup Soccer is an arcade-style soccer video game developed by Teque London and published by Millennium Interactive for the Commodore Amiga and Amiga CD32 in 1994. It is the second and last entry in the Brutal Sports Series franchise, which started with its predecessor Brutal Sports Football in...
Plot: Super League Manager is a 1995 football management simulation computer game published and developed by Audiogenic for the Amiga platform. The game was noticed for avoiding the statistics heavy approach common in football management simulation games and instead focused on the human side. Wikipedia
Plot: Arabian Nights is a 3D action-adventure video game published in 2001 for Microsoft Windows in Europe. It was developed by Silmarils and published by Visiware and Wanadoo Edition. It is based on One Thousand and One Nights. It was released digitally on December 20, 2019 by Silmarils on Wikipedia...
Plot: Project-X is a horizontally scrolling shooter for the Amiga released in 1992. It was developed and published by Team17. The game resembles Konami's side-scrolling shooter games such as Gradius, Salamander and Parodius. It was ported to MS-DOS. Wikipedia