Plot: Arumana no Kiseki is a platform game by Konami for the Family Computer Disk System. It was released in Japan on August 11, 1987. In 2012, reproduction cartridges of the game were created for the NES under the incorrectly translated title 'Miracle of Almana'. Wikipedia
Plot: Falsion is an on-rail 3D shoot-'em-up produced by Konami that was released for the Family Computer Disk System in 1987. It is one of the few games compatible with the Famicom 3D System peripheral. Wikipedia
Plot: Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa is a Konami video game that was first released for the Japan-exclusive market in 1988 for the Family Computer Disk System. It was later released as a cartridge in 1993 for the Family Computer. Wikipedia
Plot: Doremikko is a music video game developed by Konami for the Family Computer Disk System, and published in 1987. The software's retail package included a musical keyboard-like input device for playing and composing music with various synthesized instruments. The 36-key keyboard comprises three-octaves...
Plot: Esper Dream is an action role-playing game for the Family Computer Disk System developed and published by Konami on February 20, 1987. During this time, RPGs had a particular look and feel, primarily utilizing sword and magic motifs. Wikipedia
Plot: Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School is a 1987 dating sim developed by Square and Nintendo R&D1, and published by Nintendo exclusively in Japan for the Family Computer Disk System. The game was released on December 1, 1987. It was one of the first dating sim games. Wikipedia