Plot: Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul, or simply Evil Islands, is a PC game by Nival Interactive that combines role-playing, stealth, and real-time strategy. Evil Islands introduces a new interface and full 3D graphics. The game was published in October 2000 in Russia and CIS and a few months later...
Plot: Rage of Mages II: Necromancer is a role-playing game for Microsoft Windows that was developed by the Russian developer Nival Interactive and released in 1999, and is known as Allods 2: Master of Souls in Russia. It contains 43 missions and a multiplayer mode that allows play with up to 16 players....
Plot: Rage of Mages is a PC game that combines role-playing and real-time strategy. Produced by Nival Interactive it was first released in Russia under the name of Allods: The Seal of Mystery. The game was published in April 1998 in the EU by Buka Entertainment and on October 13, 1998 in the US. Wikipedia...
Plot: Allods Online is a free-to-play 3D fantasy MMORPG developed by Allods Team, formerly Astrum Nival, and published by Mail.Ru Group globally, with the international version operated by their subsidiary The game was originally released in North America on May 11, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Etherlords is a series of fantasy turn-based strategy and card-dueling video games for the PC, by Russian developer Nival Interactive. The first game was published November 12, 2001 by Ravensburger Interactive Media under their mature game label Fishtank Interactive. Wikipedia
Plot: Silent Storm is a 2003 turn-based tactics video game developed by Nival Interactive and published by JoWood. The game is set in a fictionalized World War II Europe with science fiction elements. An advanced game engine, the Silent Storm engine, was developed for the game and reused in several later...
Plot: Blitzkrieg 2 is a real-time tactics computer game based on the events of World War II, the game is an evolution of its predecessor Blitzkrieg and is the second title in the Blitzkrieg. Wikipedia
Plot: Night Watch is a tactical role-playing game developed by Russian developer Nival Interactive, and based on the Russian novel and the film of the same name. It features a group of Light Others trying to combat the schemes of Day Watch. Wikipedia
Plot: Blitzkrieg 3 is an online massively multiplayer online real-time strategy computer game, based on the events of World War II, a sequel to Blitzkrieg 2 and is the third and latest title in the Blitzkrieg series. Wikipedia
Plot: Prime World is a freemium massively multiplayer online role-playing game and multiplayer online battle arena hybrid game, internally developed by Nival and available for PC and Mac with companion apps for Android and iOS platforms. Wikipedia