Plot: Forsaken World: War of Shadows, is a 3D adventure and fantasy MMORPG with traditional Chinese settings, developed by Perfect World Entertainment's Beijing studio. Players can take on various roles depending on choice of race and choice of class within that race... Wikipedia
Plot: Elona is a roguelike game created by Japanese developer Noa. Its name is short for Eternal League of Nefia. Noa began developing Elona in 2006, and based it on roguelikes such as Ancient Domains of Mystery and Angband. Noa also has two other role-playing games in development, Shade and Etherwind. Wikipedia...
Plot: WWE Immortals was a fighting game based on the professional wrestling promotion WWE. It was released on January 15, 2015 for Android and iOS. The game was developed by NetherRealm Studios in conjunction with Phosphor Game Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Wikipedia
Plot: Silkroad Online is a fantasy MMORPG set in the 7th century AD, along the Silk Road between China and Europe. The game requires no periodic subscription fee, but players can purchase premium items to customize or accelerate gameplay. Wikipedia
Plot: Nier Reincarnation is a role-playing video game developed by Applibot for Android and iOS. The game takes place in the universe of Nier and its sequel Nier: Automata, which are in turn spin-offs and sequels to the Drakengard series. Wikipedia