Plot: Tony Tough 2: A Rake's Progress is a 2006 Windows adventure game designed by Stefano Gualeni and published by Dtp-entertainment. It is the sequel to Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths. Wikipedia
Plot: The Lost Island of Alanna is a branded, graphic adventure video game and marketing initiative conceived and directed by Dale Leary and developed with partner Michael Hall of Raintree Media for Coca-Cola Cherry. The game was produced for the brand in the Fall of 1997 and released in the Spring of 1998...
Plot: Mummy: Tomb of the Pharaoh is a point-and-click adventure video game released on August 31, 1996 by Interplay Productions on Windows and by MacPlay, a division of Interplay Productions at the time, on Macintosh. It is a sequel to Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster. Wikipedia
Plot: Delaware St. John is the collective name given to a series of three adventure games produced by Big Time Games, which was founded in 2004. Lighthouse Interactive was the retail publisher for these adventure games. The story follows the adventures of psychic ghost hunting detective Delaware St. John...
Plot: Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure is a 2000 graphic adventure game developed by Old World Studios and published by DreamCatcher Interactive. It received a sequel, entitled The Omega Stone: Riddle of the Sphinx II, in 2003. Wikipedia
Plot: Faust, known as Seven Games of the Soul in North America, is 1999 graphic adventure game created by Arxel Tribe, Anne Carriรจre Multimedia and Cryo Interactive. Loosely inspired by Goethe's Faust, it tells the story of Marcellus Faust and his battle of wills with the demon Mephistopheles. Wikipedia
Plot: Clandestiny, published in 1996 by Virgin Games and developed by Trilobyte, is a video-based puzzle computer game. After the profit loss of The 11th Hour, the second game created by Trilobyte, the producers went on to make a more kid-friendly version of The 7th Guest series. Wikipedia