Plot: Haunt the House: Terrortown is a side-scrolling action puzzle video game developed by SFB Games. The game was released for PlayStation Vita on 9 January 2013, for Microsoft Windows and OS X on 6 June 2014, and for Android and iOS on 30 October 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Cover Orange is an iOS, Android and flash game developed by German studio FDG Entertainment and released on November 16, 2010. It is a port of an Adobe Flash game of the same name. Wikipedia
Plot: Seafight is a high seas pirate browser MMORPG game developed and published by Bigpoint Games. Bigpoint Games describes Seafight as a free to play game, but in fact certain features are only available on payment. Wikipedia
Plot: is a 2D battle royale video game developed by an American studio, End Game. It was released on 2018 for iOS, Android and on web browsers. Wikipedia