Plot: Sesame Street: Elmo's Musical Monsterpiece is a Sesame Street video game that was released on June 15, 2012 for the Wii and Nintendo DS systems. Wikipedia
Plot: Sesame Street: Ready, Set, Grover! is a Sesame Street video game that was released on August 2, 2011. The game is available for the Wii and Nintendo DS and promotes healthy advice, as part of Sesame Workshop's Healthy Habits for Life project. Wikipedia
Plot: Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs is a Nintendo 64 video game released exclusively in America in 2000 by Crave Entertainment. The game is part of the Battlezone series though isn't similar to the original arcade classic.
Plot: J-League Tactics Soccer is a soccer game for the Nintendo 64. It was released only in Japan in 1999. The game has officially licensed players and teams from Japan's J-League. Wikipedia
Plot: Bakushō Jinsei 64: Mezase! Resort Ō is an interactive board game for the Nintendo 64 based on The Game of Life. It was released only in Japan in 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: 64 Trump Collection: Alice no Waku Waku Trump World is a Nintendo 64 video game released in 1998 by Bottom Up. It was released exclusively in Japan.
Plot: Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling is a ten-pin bowling game released for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation in 1998 and the Nintendo 64 in 1999. Wikipedia