Plot: Lady Popular is a freemium, online fashion game for iOS and Android developed by the Bulgarian software company XS Software. The game was originally released in the end of 2009, and in August 2012, the second major version was officially released as a separate game under the name Lady Popular Fashion...
Plot: Stardoll is a browser-based game from Glorious Games. One of the world's largest online fashion communities, Stardoll has reached over 400 million users as of January 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Forge of Empires is a browser-based strategy game developed by InnoGames. The game was initially released on 17 April 2012. In 2013, TV advertising helped the game reach 10 million user registrations. It was later released for the iPhone and iPad in 2014, as well as Android in 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Howrse is a free-to-play browser game developed by French studio Owlient and currently published by Ubisoft. It is a breeding simulation game with horses. Wikipedia