Plot: Juniper's Knot is a short kinetic visual novel developed by Canadian studio Dischan Media. Created in under a month, Juniper's Knot revolves around a lost boy and an imprisoned demoness, as they help overcome each other's obstacles through wit and memory, respectively. Wikipedia
Plot: Analogue: A Hate Story is a visual novel created by independent designer and visual novelist Christine Love. It was created with the Ren'Py engine, and was first released for download on the author's website in February 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: Date Warp is a science fiction visual novel video game developed by Spiky Caterpillar and Hanako Games, and published by Hanako Games for Windows, Mac OS and Linux in 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Long Live the Queen is a visual novel role-playing video game developed by Hanako Games and Spiky Caterpillar, published by Hanako Games. The story of the game follows a young princess who is training to become queen after the death of her mother. Wikipedia
Plot: The Royal Trap is a visual novel developed and published by Hanako Games on February 23, 2013 for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The story of the game follows a young companion who has to take care of her prince, Oscar. The game uses anime-style graphics and is written in English. Wikipedia
Plot: Magical Diary is a visual novel video game series taking place at a magical school. The first game in the series, now known as Magical Diary: Horse Hall, featured a young freshman magical girl. It was released on June 19, 2011 for Windows, macOS and Linux. It is a fantasy game with elements of romance...
Plot: Fault Milestone One is a visual novel video game developed by Alice in Dissonance and published by Sekai Project. It was first released in Japan for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux in 2013, with an English version localized and released by Sekai Project the following year. Wikipedia