Duke Nukem
Details: Video game series
Descr: Duke Nukem is a video game series named for its protagonist, Duke Nukem. Created by the company Apogee Software Ltd. as a series of video games for IBM-compatible personal computers, the series expanded to games released for various consoles by third-party developers. Wikipedia
Games In Series: Aliens
Developers: 3D Realms, Gearbox Software, MORE
Designers: George Broussard, Scott Miller, Todd Replogle, Richard Gray, Sunstorm Interactive
Publishers: 3D Realms, Sega, Gearbox Software, MORE
Descr: Duke Nukem is a video game series named for its protagonist, Duke Nukem. Created by the company Apogee Software Ltd. as a series of video games for IBM-compatible personal computers, the series expanded to games released for various consoles by third-party developers. Wikipedia
Games In Series: Aliens
Developers: 3D Realms, Gearbox Software, MORE
Designers: George Broussard, Scott Miller, Todd Replogle, Richard Gray, Sunstorm Interactive
Publishers: 3D Realms, Sega, Gearbox Software, MORE