Plot: Zoombinis is a series of educational puzzle computer games that were originally developed by TERC and published by Broderbund until The Learning Company bought Broderbund in 1998 and took over developing and publishing the series in 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Old Man's Journey is an adventure video game developed and published by Broken Rules. The game was released for Android, iOS, macOS and Windows in 2017, the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in 2018 and the Xbox One in 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Samorost 2 is a puzzle point-and-click adventure game developed by Amanita Design. Released for Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux on 8 December 2005, the game is the second video game title in the Samorost series and the sequel to Samorost. Wikipedia
Plot: Samorost 3 is a puzzle point-and-click adventure game developed by Amanita Design. It is the third video game title in the Samorost series and the sequel to Samorost 2. It is the first game in the series that is full-length and with high-definition graphics. The story takes place across five planets...
Plot: The Gardens Between is a puzzle video game developed by Australian studio The Voxel Agents, released in September 2018 for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game was released for Stadia on November 1, 2020. Wikipedia