Plot: Dragon's Lair III: The Curse of Mordread is a video game in the Dragon's Lair series, developed by Don Bluth Multimedia and published by ReadySoft Incorporated for the Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS in 1993. Wikipedia
Plot: Escape from Singe's Castle, also known as Dragon's Lair Part II - Escape From Singe's Castle, is a computer game for the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum home computers. Later, Readysoft made the Amiga, Atari ST and PC versions. Wikipedia
Plot: Space Ace is a LaserDisc video game produced by Bluth Group, Cinematronics and Advanced Microcomputer Systems. It was unveiled in October 1983, just four months after the Dragon's Lair game, then released in spring 1984 and, like its predecessor, featured film-quality animation played back from a LaserDisc...
Plot: Dragon's Lair is a video game franchise created by Rick Dyer and Don Bluth. The series is famous for its Western animation-style graphics and convoluted decades-long history of being ported to many platforms and being remade into television and comic book series. Wikipedia