Plot: Dragon Ball Z: Goku Gekitōden is a video game released for Game Boy on August 25, 1995, in Japan. This game is the second installment in the Goku RPG series and the second Dragon Ball Z game for the Game Boy console, as it is the sequel of Dragon Ball Z: Goku Hishōden.
Plot: Donkey Kong Land III is the third entry in the Donkey Kong Land trilogy of games for the original Game Boy, later being ported to the Game Boy Color exclusively in Japan under the name Donkey Kong GB: Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong. It was developed by Rare and distributed by Nintendo. Wikipedia
Plot: Donkey Kong Land 2 is a platform game in the Donkey Kong series released for the Game Boy in 1996. It is the sequel to the 1995 Game Boy game Donkey Kong Land and was developed by Rare and published by Nintendo. Wikipedia
Plot: Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge is a platform game released for the Game Boy in 1991. It is the second Castlevania title for the Game Boy and serves as a sequel to the previous title, Castlevania: The Adventure. Belmont's Revenge is included in color in the fourth volume of the Konami GB Collection...