Plot: Rebound is a two-player sports arcade video game developed by Atari, Inc. and released in February 1974. In the game, two players each control paddles on either side of a volleyball net, with a ball dropped from the top of the screen. Wikipedia
Plot: Anti-Aircraft is a two-player fixed shooter released in arcades by Atari, Inc in 1975. The game was also released as Anti-Aircraft II, denoting the two-player aspect of the game. Wikipedia
Plot: Pursuit is a single-player arcade game by Kee Games, originally released in 1975. The player plays a World War I flying ace who tries to shoot down enemy planes. Gameplay relies on a first person perspective representation. Pursuit also marks the first time Atari Inc. publicly acknowledged its relationship...
Plot: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is a point-and-click adventure game by LucasArts originally released in 1992. Almost a year later, it was reissued on CD-ROM as an enhanced talkie edition with full voice acting and digitized sound effects. Wikipedia
Plot: Triple Hunt is a shooter-style arcade game developed by Atari and released in April 1977. Triple Hunt's main feature is its mounted light gun, which is used to shoot at the screen on a separate cabinet. Each Triple Hunt unit houses three changeable games; Witch Hunt, Hit The Bear, and Raccoon Hunt....
Plot: Avalanche Studios Group is a Swedish video game developer and publisher based in Stockholm. It is a parent company that includes Avalanche Studios, Expansive Worlds, and Systemic Reaction. Wikipedia
Plot: Jetfighter is a series of 3D combat flight simulation computer games that was developed by Velocity Development starting in 1988. The player would fly a combat jet aircraft in the skies against enemy forces. Wikipedia