Plot: Weekly Toro Station is a video game developed by Bexide and Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable. It is the sequel to Mainichi Issho and was released on November 11, 2009 through the Japanese PlayStation Store. Wikipedia
Plot: Mainichi Issho is a November 11, 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment online game for the PlayStation 3. It is based on the Doko Demo Issyo franchise, starring the video game character Toro who is the mascot for SCEJ. This game is exclusively for the Japanese market. Wikipedia
Plot: PaRappa the Rapper is a rhythm game developed by NanaOn-Sha. It was published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation in Japan in 1996 and worldwide in 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Seaman is a virtual pet video game for the Sega Dreamcast. It is one of the few Dreamcast games to take advantage of the microphone attachment. Wikipedia