Plot: Star Ocean: Blue Sphere is an action role-playing video game developed by tri-Ace and published by Enix for the Game Boy Color handheld video game console in June 2001. It is a spin-off entry in the Star Ocean series, acting as a direct sequel to the 1998 PlayStation title Star Ocean: The Second Story...
Plot: Dragon Warrior Monsters 2, known in Japan as Dragon Quest Monsters 2, is a role-playing video game published by Enix for the Game Boy Color. It is the second Dragon Warrior Monsters game for the Game Boy Color and features two different versions of the same game, Cobi's Journey and Tara's Adventure...
Plot: Dragon Quest Monsters is a spin-off series of the Dragon Quest games. Published by Square Enix, it sets the player in a medieval/fantasy world filled with magic, monsters and knights. Wikipedia