Plot: Disney Princess: Magical Jewels is a video game in the Disney Princess franchise that was developed by 1st Playable Productions and released by Disney Interactive Studios for Nintendo DS in 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Dinotopia: The Timestone Pirates is a platform based video game for Nintendo Game Boy Advance, developed by RFX Interactive and published by TDK Mediactive. It is set in James Gurney's Dinotopia. Wikipedia
Plot: Disney Sports Basketball is a pair of 2002 sports video games released by Konami, one for the GameCube, and the other for the Game Boy Advance. Wikipedia
Plot: Disney Sports Soccer, known as Disney Sports Football in Europe, is a pair of 2002 sports video games released by Konami, one for the GameCube, and the other in DSS Season 4 in 2020 for the PS4. Wikipedia
Plot: Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle is a video game for the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS handhelds. It is based on the episode Urban Jungle from the television series Danny Phantom and is the second video game for the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Secret Agent Barbie or Barbie: Secret Agent is a multi platform video game released in 2001 for Microsoft Windows and Game Boy Advance. It follows Barbie as a fashion secret agent doing missions all over the world. Wikipedia