Plot: Mickey Mouse Toddler, Mickey Mouse Preschool, and Mickey Mouse Kindergarten are three sister educational video games by Disney Interactive. They are part of the Disney Learning Series, alongside similar Winnie the Pooh games, Mathquest With Aladdin, Reading Quest with Aladdin, and Ready to Read with...
Plot: Disney Sports Skateboarding, also known as Disney All Star Sports: Skateboarding in Europe, is a pair of 2002 sports video games released by Konami, one for the GameCube, and the other for the Game Boy Advance. The playable characters include Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Max Goof...
Plot: Disney Golf, known in Japan as Disney Golf Classic, is a Disney sports game developed by T&E SOFT and the spiritual successor to Swing Away Golf, which was also developed by T&E Soft. The game is similar to Mario Golf, even though some animations are different from those in Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour...
Plot: Disney Think Fast is a Disney-themed trivia game show-based game developed by Magenta Software and published by Disney Interactive Studios. The game was released for the Wii in North America on October 21, 2008, in Europe on December 5, 2008, and in Japan on December 18, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Disney's Party is a pair of 2002/2003 party video games, one developed by Neverland Co. for the GameCube, and the other by Jupiter Corporation for the Game Boy Advance. The games are much like the games of the Hudson Soft-produced Mario Party series, where you compete in mini-games to win the game....
Plot: Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion is a side-scrolling platform game developed by DreamRift and published by Disney Interactive Studios for the Nintendo 3DS in 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: Mickey's Speedway USA is a Disney racing game for the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color, developed by Rareware and published by Nintendo under license from Disney Interactive. It is styled after other kart racers such as the Mario Kart series and Diddy Kong Racing. Wikipedia
Plot: Kinect: Disneyland Adventures is a 2011 open world video game developed by Frontier Developments and published by Microsoft Studios on Kinect for Xbox 360, with a remaster for Xbox One and Microsoft Windows developed by Asobo Studio released in 2017. Wikipedia