Plot: The Apprentice is a 1994 vertically scrolling platform game developed by The Vision Factory and published by Philips Interactive Media in North America and Europe exclusively for the Philips CD-i. Wikipedia
Plot: Mystic Midway is a CD-I video game in the theme of a horror style arcade shooter where the player must shoot targets to advance to the next level. Wikipedia
Plot: International Tennis Open is a sports video game developed by Infogrames Multimedia and published by Philips Interactive Media in 1992. It was released on Philips CD-i, Macintosh, and DOS. It was a pack-in game for some CD-i models. The UK version of the game is available in French and English as it...
Plot: Litil Divil is a video game released by Gremlin Graphics Software in 1993. The game stars Mutt, a dog-like devil in the Underworld whose goal is to obtain the Mystical Pizza of Plenty from the Labyrinth of Chaos. Wikipedia