Plot: Dick Tracy appeared in a number of video games released as tie-ins for the motion picture: The NES and Game Boy games, developed by Realtime Associates and published by Bandai The Sega Genesis and Master System games by Sega A video game developed by Titus France and published by Walt Disney Computer...
Plot: Rise of the Dragon is a graphic adventure game released in 1990 for DOS and Macintosh, and later remade for the Sega CD as well as the Amiga. It was one of the few adventure game titles developed by Dynamix, a company that was better known as an action and flight simulator game developer. Wikipedia
Plot: Flight of the Amazon Queen is a graphical point-and-click adventure game by Interactive Binary Illusions originally released in 1995 for Amiga and MS-DOS, and re-released as freeware in 2004 for use with ScummVM. Wikipedia
Plot: Cannon Fodder is a series of war themed action games developed by Sensible Software, initially released for the Commodore Amiga. Only two games in the series were created by Sensible, but were converted to most active systems at the time of release. A sequel, Cannon Fodder 2, was released in 1994 for...
Plot: The Secret of Monkey Island is a 1990 point-and-click graphic adventure game developed and published by Lucasfilm Games. It takes place in a fictional version of the Caribbean during the age of piracy. Wikipedia