Plot: Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul, or simply Evil Islands, is a PC game by Nival Interactive that combines role-playing, stealth, and real-time strategy. Evil Islands introduces a new interface and full 3D graphics. The game was published in October 2000 in Russia and CIS and a few months later...
Plot: Mass Effect 2: Overlord is a downloadable content pack developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts for the 2010 action role-playing video game Mass Effect 2. It was released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 in 2010, and is included in the PlayStation 3 version of Mass Effect 2, which was...
Plot: Severance: Blade of Darkness is an action-adventure game developed by Rebel Act Studios and published by Codemasters. The game was released in North America and Europe for Microsoft Windows in February 2001, receiving generally favorable reception. Wikipedia
Plot: Paradise Cracked is a cyberpunk single-player turn-based tactics video game. It was created by MiST Land South for Microsoft Windows and released in 2002. It has several translation problems that make the game difficult to understand in English. Wikipedia
Plot: Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters is the sequel to Star Control. It was developed by Toys for Bob and originally published by Accolade in 1992 for MS-DOS. Wikipedia