Plot: Little Red Lie is an adventure game developed by Will O'Neill, released on July 7, 2017 for Windows and macOS on the Steam platform, and later released for iOS, Android, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita. It received positive reception from critics due to its exploration of the nature of modern poverty...
Plot: The Red Solstice is a tactical, strategy squad-based-bazed survival game, developed and published by Ironward for PC. The game was released on July 10, 2014 through Steam's Early Access program. It is the first installment in The Red Solstice & The White Solstice video game arcadia series. Wikipedia...
Plot: Happy Game is an upcoming horror adventure video game developed and published by Amanita Design. The game is scheduled to release in 2021 for Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch. Wikipedia
Plot: Star Conflict is a free-to-play dynamic massively multiplayer online game space action game. The gaming platform Steam describes it as an action-packed, massively multiplayer space simulation game. The core of the game is PvP spaceships battles, PvE missions and an open world. Wikipedia
Plot: Skyforge is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Allods Team in collaboration with Obsidian Entertainment, and published by Wikipedia