Plot: Densha de Go! is a Japanese train simulation game series originally produced by Taito and more recently by Square Enix and Railfan Holdings Co., Ltd. The game originates from a 1996 arcade version and was first released for the PlayStation in 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Densha de Go! 2 Kōsoku-hen is a train driving simulation game. It was released in Japan in 1998. It was ported from Dreamcast to Nintendo 64 and released as Densha de Go! 64 in Japan in 1999. Densha de Go! 64 supports its uniquely bundled train driving controller for Nintendo 64, which simulates actual...
Plot: Railfan: Chicago Transit Authority Brown Line or just Railfan is a train simulator for single players co-developed by Ongakukan and Taito for the PlayStation 3 system. It was released in Japan on December 20, 2006. Wikipedia