Plot: P.N.03, short for Product Number Three, is a 2003 science-fiction third-person shooter video game developed by Capcom Production Studio 4 and published by Capcom for the Nintendo GameCube. Set in a science-fictional space colony compound, the game follows a female mercenary fighting against berserk...
Plot: Killer7 is a 2005 action-adventure video game for the GameCube and PlayStation 2, developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and Capcom Production Studio 4 and published by Capcom. The game was written and directed by Goichi Suda, also known by the nickname Suda51, and produced by Hiroyuki Kobayashi. Wikipedia...
Plot: Who Framed Roger Rabbit is an action-adventure video game created for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Rare and published by LJN in 1989. Wikipedia
Plot: Viewtiful Joe is a side scrolling beat 'em up video game franchise created by Japanese game designer Hideki Kamiya. It is primarily developed and published by Capcom and its subsidiary Clover Studio. Wikipedia
Plot: Viewtiful Joe 3: Red Hot Rumble, known in Japan as Viewtiful Joe: Battle Carnival, is a video game for the Nintendo GameCube and the PlayStation Portable. Wikipedia
Plot: Viewtiful Joe 2, known in Japan as Viewtiful Joe 2: Secret of the Black Film, is a video game and sequel to Viewtiful Joe. The game was developed by Clover Studio and published by Capcom in 2004 for the GameCube and PlayStation 2. Wikipedia
Plot: Goof Troop is an action-adventure video game, developed and released by Capcom in 1993 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and based on the television series of the same name. The game can be played in multiplayer mode, wherein one player controls Goofy and the other Max. Wikipedia
Plot: Sweet Home is a survival horror role-playing video game developed and published by Capcom for the Family Computer in 1989. It is based on the Japanese horror film of the same name and tells the story of a team of five filmmakers exploring an old mansion in search of precious frescos hidden there. Wikipedia...
Plot: God Hand is a PlayStation 2 action beat 'em up video game developed by Clover Studio and published by Capcom. It was directed by Shinji Mikami, and was released in Japan and North America in 2006, and in 2007 for PAL territories. Wikipedia
Plot: Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game is a quiz game released in arcades by Capcom in 1992. The game combines some stylistic elements of RPGs such as a fantasy theme and multiple characters with that of board games to create a unique twist to the quiz game genre. Wikipedia
Plot: Dino Crisis 3 is an action-adventure video game developed by Capcom Production Studio 4 and published by Capcom for the Xbox. Like the previous installments in the Dino Crisis series, the gameplay revolves around fighting dinosaurs or other reptiles, but the enemies in this game are not real dinosaurs...
Plot: Vanquish is an action third-person shooter video game developed by PlatinumGames and published by Sega for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 video game consoles. It began development in 2007 and was released worldwide in October 2010. A Windows port was released on May 25, 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: MadWorld is a beat 'em up hack and slash video game developed by PlatinumGames, published by Sega, produced by Atsushi Inaba, and directed by Shigenori Nishikawa. It was released worldwide for the Wii in March 2009, and in Japan in February 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code: Veronica is a light gun shooter video game developed and published by Capcom as part of the Resident Evil series. The arcade version was developed in conjunction with Namco for the arcade machines. The game was released for Sega NAOMI and PlayStation 2. Wikipedia