Plot: Island of Kesmai was an early commercial online game in the MUD genre, innovative in its use of roguelike pseudo-graphics. It is considered a major forerunner of modern MMORPGs. Wikipedia
Plot: DikuMUD is a multiplayer text-based role-playing game, which is a type of multi-user domain. It was written in 1990 and 1991 by Sebastian Hammer, Tom Madsen, Katja Nyboe, Michael Seifert, and Hans Henrik Stærfeldt at DIKU the department of computer science at the University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen...
Plot: BatMUD is a medieval fantasy MUD, established in 1990. BatMUD is Finland-based and operated and owned by a non-profit organization, Balanced Alternative Techniques ry, officially registered 1994 in Helsinki, Finland. Wikipedia
Plot: Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands is a roleplay-focused, text-based multi-user dungeon released on September 9, 1997. It was published by Achaea LLC, now known as Iron Realms Entertainment. Wikipedia
Plot: Dark Age of Camelot is a 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing game, released in October, 2001 in North America and in Europe in January 2002. The game combines Arthurian lore, Norse mythology and Irish Celtic legends with high fantasy. Wikipedia