Plot: Dancing Stage Unleashed, or DS Unleashed, was released by Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH to the European Xbox audience on March 12, 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX 3 is a Music video game developed by Konami and the tenth entry of Dance Dance Revolution released in the United States. It was released on November 15, 2005 for the Xbox. About 70 songs are available in total in this version. Wikipedia
Plot: Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2, or simply Ultramix 2, is a music rhythm video game released on November 18, 2004 by Konami in American markets for the Microsoft Xbox. Wikipedia
Plot: Dancing Stage MegaMiX is the fifth home release in the Dancing Stage series, a European version of the Dance Dance Revolution series of music video games. Wikipedia
Plot: Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2, or simply Ultramix 2, is a music rhythm video game released on November 18, 2004 by Konami in American markets for the Microsoft Xbox. Wikipedia
Plot: Oha Star Dance Dance Revolution is a Dance Dance Revolution game for the Sony PlayStation console. The game features songs from the Japanese children's TV show Oha Star. There is no arcade counterpart. Wikipedia