Plot: Mambo a Go Go, is a music video game produced by Konami as part of their BEMANI franchise of games. Players must rhythmically beat conga drums as colored notes fall from the top of the screen. There are 3 drums, each one divided into three sections, giving players a maximum of nine places to hit. Wikipedia...
Plot: beatmania III is a rhythm video game created by Konami. Gameplay is essentially the same as in the beatmania series, with a few enhancements to the hardware. The beatmania III series was relatively short-lived, spanning only 2 years. It had five releases, the last one being Beatmania III The Final...
Plot: Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix, sometimes abbreviated as 2ndMix, is the second game in the Dance Dance Revolution series of music video games. It was released as an arcade game by Konami on January 29, 1999. Wikipedia
Plot: ParaParaParadise is an arcade and PlayStation 2 dance game made by the Japanese company Konami and released under the Bemani moniker following the Para Para pad. Konami would later release Dance Evolution for the Xbox 360, a game that shares many similarities with Para Para Paradise. Wikipedia
Plot: Martial Beat is a game created by Konami for the arcade and PlayStation in Japan in 2002. It is based on the players' actions by use of wristband sensors. The game was shipped in a modified Dance Dance Revolution cabinet, with the sensors and the game's art on it. Wikipedia
Plot: Dance Dance Revolution 4thMix is the fourth game in the main Dance Dance Revolution series of music video games. It was released as an arcade game by Konami on August 24, 2000 in Japan. 4thMix features 136 songs, of which 37 are new songs available and 12 are new unlockables that require an operator...