Plot: Dance Dance Revolution Dance Wars, stylized Dance Dance Revolution DANCE WARS and sometimes abbreviated as DDR Dance Wars, is the most recent home release of Dance Dance Revolution, and the third one to be released in iOS. The game stopped functioning at September 1, 2013 due to the team retiring from...
Plot: Dance Dance Revolution Disney Grooves is a video game in the North American Dance Dance Revolution series for the Nintendo Wii by Konami. It was released on April 2, 2009, Disney Grooves is the third DDR title for the Wii and the fourth Disney title in the music video game's series.
Plot: Dance Dance Revolution Disney Dancing Museum was released only in Japan in November 2000 for the Nintendo 64. It was sold as part of a bundle pack that featured the game as well as an exclusive N64 controller designed for this mix that featured popular Disney characters.
Plot: Oha Star Dance Dance Revolution is a Dance Dance Revolution game for the Sony PlayStation console. The game features songs from the Japanese children's TV show Oha Star. There is no arcade counterpart. Wikipedia
Plot: Dance Dance Revolution Disney Dancing Museum was released only in Japan in November 2000 for the Nintendo 64. It was sold as part of a bundle pack that featured the game as well as an exclusive N64 controller designed for this mix that featured popular Disney characters.