Plot: Tsuppari Wars is an action video game for the Family Computer. The object is to acquire all of the enemies' territory and defeat the evil gang leaders. Even though this game was only released in Japan, the gangsters fight without any weapons and the violence level is mild compared to later gang-related...
Plot: Donald Land is a 1988 platform video game produced by Data East in association with the McDonald's Corporation for the Family Computer. It appears to be related to the McDonaldland concept, but has no relation to M.C. Kids or any other McDonald's-themed video game. Wikipedia
Plot: TM Network: Live in Power Bowl is a Japanese-only Nintendo Family Computer game featuring the J-Pop group TM Network. The song used as the background music is Come On Everybody from their album Carol -A Day In a Girl's Life 1991-. The game uses Atlus NES sound engine by Tsukasa Masuko. Wikipedia
Plot: Musashi no Bōken is a role-playing video game for the Family Computer produced by Sigma Ent. Inc., and released in Japan on December 22, 1990. The game is inspired by the legendary Japanese figure Miyamoto Musashi and is an RPG in the vein of Dragon Quest. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Chinese 3 is an action RPG video game released in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the last of the NES Super Chinese games and was not released outside Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Bakushō! Star Monomane Shitennō is a Nintendo Family Computer life simulation video game that portrays the life of either a musician or a famous performer of the monomane style of Japanese theatre. The object is to gain popularity while performing concert tours through the fictional city. Wikipedia...
Plot: Mezase! Top Pro: Green ni Kakeru Yume is Jaleco's first golf game, released exclusively in Japan in 1993. It was developed by TOSE and published by Jaleco. Wikipedia