Plot: Princess Maker 2 is the second installment in the Princess Maker series of life simulation games developed by the Japanese company Gainax. It has been translated into English, Korean, and Chinese. In this fantasy game, the player takes role of a war hero who raises a girl to the age of 18. Wikipedia...
Plot: Sorcerian is a 1987 action role-playing game developed by Nihon Falcom as the fifth installment in the Dragon Slayer line of games. Originally released for the PC-8801 Personal Computer, it has since been released on a wide amount of platforms with the last version released in 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: Emerald Dragon is a role-playing video game developed by Glodia that was released for multiple platforms in Japan. It was released for NEC Corporation's PC-8801 and PC-9801 home computers on December 22, 1989, followed by conversions for the X68000, MSX2 and FM Towns. Wikipedia
Plot: Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes is a role-playing game developed by Nihon Falcom. It is the sixth game in the Dragon Slayer line of games, and the first in The Legend of Heroes series. It was originally released in 1989 for the NEC PC-8801. Wikipedia