Plot: Tracks The Train Set Game, commonly referred to as Tracks, is an indie simulation video game developed by British indie studio Whoop Games and published by Excalibur Publishing for Microsoft Windows. Originally released onto in February 2017, the game was added to Steam's Early Access program...
Plot: Old Man's Journey is an adventure video game developed and published by Broken Rules. The game was released for Android, iOS, macOS and Windows in 2017, the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in 2018 and the Xbox One in 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Assemble with Care is a 2019 puzzle game developed by Ustwo Games. In it you play as an antique restorer. You go around the town fixing broken objects. The game originally released on Sep 19, 2019 for IOS and MacOS as a launch title for Apple Arcade. A Windows version was later released on March 26...
Plot: Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!, also known as Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? in PAL regions, and Daily DS Brain Training in South Korea, is an entertainment puzzle video game. It was developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS. Wikipedia