Plot: Famicom Jump II: Saikyō no Shichinin is an action role-playing game developed by Chunsoft and published by Bandai on December 2, 1991. The sequel to Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden, the game features seven main characters from different Weekly Shōnen Jump manga serialized at the time. Wikipedia
Plot: Astro Rabby is a 1990 action video game published by Information Global Service for the original Game Boy exclusively in Japan on October 12, 1990. It is the first Game Boy title to be published by that company. Wikipedia
Plot: Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden is a 1988 role-playing video game for the Family Computer published by Bandai. The game commemorates the 20th anniversary of Shueisha's manga anthology Weekly Shōnen Jump. Wikipedia
Plot: Raging Fighter is a 1993 fighting video game developed and published by Konami for the Nintendo Game Boy. It was first released in Japan on March 26, 1993, and later released in North America and Europe in June 1993. Wikipedia
Plot: GB Genjin Land: Viva! Chikkun Kingdom, known in China as Bonk's Adventure Land Kingdom, is an action video game that was released by Hudson Soft for Game Boy on April 22, 1994 in Japan and China. Wikipedia
Plot: God Medicine: Fantasy Sekai no Tanjou is a role-playing video game for the Game Boy. The game was released by Konami in 1993, only in Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Jump Super Stars is a 2D crossover fighting game for the Nintendo DS, based on Weekly Shōnen Jump characters. It was developed by Ganbarion and published by Nintendo. The game was released on August 8, 2005, in Japan and accompanied the release of a red Nintendo DS. Wikipedia