Plot: Cue Club 2 is a sports simulation video game developed by Bulldog Interactive. First released for Microsoft Windows on 4 July 2014, it is a realistic interpretation of pool and snooker, and is the sequel to Cue Club. Wikipedia
Plot: Virtual Pool 4 is a sports simulation video game developed and published by American studio Celeris as an entry in the Virtual Pool franchise, a sequel to Virtual Pool 3. The game was initially released on Windows in August 2012. It was released to Steam on May 11, 2015 worldwide, after a period on...
Plot: Cue Club 2 is a sports simulation video game developed by Bulldog Interactive. First released for Microsoft Windows on 4 July 2014, it is a realistic interpretation of pool and snooker, and is the sequel to Cue Club. Wikipedia
Plot: Pure Pool is a pool video game by British developer VooFoo Studios in association with Ripstone Games for the PlayStation 4 and PC platforms. Wikipedia