Plot: Hex Frvr is a puzzle video game released in 2015, created by indie developer Chris Benjaminsen. The player is given an empty hexagon-shaped board, and must strategically place pieces on it to fill in lines of tiles. It started as a test, but unexpectedly went viral after Benjaminsen released it. Wikipedia...
Plot: Word Monsters is a word puzzle video game developed by Raketspel and was published by Rovio Stars. However, as of the middle of 2014 the game is published by Raketspel and is no longer published by Rovio Stars. The iOS release was on 27 March 2014 and the Android release was on 7 May 2014. Wikipedia...
Plot: There is No Game: Wrong Dimension is a 2020 puzzle adventure video game developed by French developer Draw Me A Pixel and released for Windows and MacOS on August 6, 2020, and on Android and IOS on December 17, 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Doodle God is a puzzle video game developed by JoyBits for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, iOS, flash browser, Android and Windows Phone. Doodle God's gameplay is inspired by Russian online javascript game 'Alchemygame' based on an old DOS game named 'Alchemy'. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tetris is a tile-matching video game created by Russian software engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984. It has been published by several companies, most prominently during a dispute over the appropriation of the rights in the late 1980s. Wikipedia