Plot: SimLife: The Genetic Playground is a video game produced by Maxis in 1992. The concept of the game is to simulate an ecosystem; players may modify the genetics of the plants and animals that inhabit the virtual world. The point of this game is to experiment and create a self-sustaining ecosystem. Wikipedia...
Plot: FTL: Faster Than Light is a space-based top-down real-time strategy roguelike game created by indie developer Subset Games, which was released for Microsoft Windows, macOS and Linux in September 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: Homescapes is a free-to-play video game released by Playrix in September 2017. The game is available on MacOS, iOS, Android and Amazon Appstore. Homescapes is a Gardenscapes spin-off and shares the same gameplay concept, combining traditional match-3 mechanics with a storyline. Wikipedia