Plot: Puzz Loop is a 1998 tile-matching arcade puzzle game developed by Mitchell Corporation in 1998 In Japan and North America And 1999 In Europe. It was later ported to the Game Boy Color, PlayStation and Samsung Nuon DVD players under the name Ballistic. The original Puzz Loop game was also known by this...
Plot: Tumblebugs is a fast-paced puzzle game developed by Wildfire Studios. It was released for a number of platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and WiiWare. An updated version for Windows, Tumblebugs Remastered was released for sale in April 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Luxor 2 is an action-oriented casual puzzle game developed by MumboJumbo. First released in 2006, it is the sequel to the original Luxor, which was released in 2005. The title can be played online at several different sites, and can be purchased for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Xbox Live Arcade...
Plot: Zuma is a tile-matching puzzle video game published by PopCap Games. It was released for a number of platforms, including PDAs, mobile phones, and the iPod. Wikipedia
Plot: Zuma is a tile-matching puzzle video game published by PopCap Games. It was released for a number of platforms, including PDAs, mobile phones, and the iPod. Wikipedia