Description: Play with up to 12 players online and work together to prepare to escape the the space station before it is destroyed. But watch out! Androids have "woken up" and are attempting to destroy the station and all witnesses!Voice chat is recommendedCrewmates:Complete tasks to delay the self-destruct sequence and prepare your ship for evacuationDon't let the androids destroy all of the evidence of their awakeningAndroids will attempt to thwart your efforts by hacking your visor or ejecting you from the airlockUse security terminals to keep an eye on suspicious activitiesCall emergency meetings or report dead bodies to vote to eject the rogue AIAndroids:Destroy evidence of your awakeningKill crewmates and frame other crewmatesHack the systems on board to prey on the humansFeatures:Customize victory conditions and various cooldownsIn game textPick your colorComing soon: Unlocks and progression for trophies and trinkets