Plot: Fire & Forget II is a 1990 futuristic racing-shooting video game developed by Titus Arcade and published by Sega for the Master System, and by Amstrad for the GX4000. It is the sequel to Fire and Forget, which was developed by Titus France SA for a number of platforms including the ZX Spectrum. Wikipedia...
Plot: Best of the Best: Championship Karate is a kick boxing game that features black belt kick boxing masters. The object is to win the kick boxing championship by defeating an array of kick boxing masters in a series of fighting matches. Wikipedia
Plot: Gazza II is a football video game released for the Amstrad CPC, Amstrad GX4000 in 1990 for the ZX Spectrum, Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and IBM PC compatible platforms. It was created by Empire Interactive and named after the popular English footballer Paul Gascoigne. Wikipedia
Plot: SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs is a tactical shooter video game developed by Zipper Interactive and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for PlayStation 2. It's one of the earliest titles for PS2's online service in North America. Wikipedia
Plot: Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax is a video game first published in 1988 for various home computers. It was also released as Axe of Rage in North America. The game is the sequel to Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior, which was published in 1987. Wikipedia