Plot: Alpha Beam With Ernie is an edutainment video game released for the Atari 2600 by Atari in 1983. It was developed in conjunction with the Children's Computer Workshop. The game was programmed by Michael Callahan and Preston Stuart. Wikipedia
Plot: Sword of Saros was a video game available only for the Atari 2600 Starpath Supercharger. This game was only available via mail order and very few copies were made. The game was programmed by Jon Leupp and Stephen Landrum. The game was a one player adventure game put on the Starpath cassette tape. Wikipedia...
Plot: Atari Video Cube is a puzzle video game developed by GCC for the Atari 2600 and published by Atari, Inc. in 1982. Atari Video Cube was sold exclusively through the Atari Club, run by Atari, Inc. Originally an unlicensed interpretation of the Rubik's Cube toy, Atari rereleased the game in 1984 as Rubik...