Plot: Columns Crown is a puzzle game developed by WOW Entertainmentfor the Game Boy Advance and published by Sega in Japan and THQ in other territories. It is the first spiritual sequel of Columns and was released in Europe on December 7, 2001, in Japan on December 13, 2001, and in North America on February...
Plot: Super Columns is a tile-matching puzzle video game released by Sega for the Game Gear in 1995. It was later included on the Coleco Sonic, along with the original Columns, to which it is a sequel. Wikipedia
Plot: Columns III: Revenge of Columns is a puzzle arcade game published by Sega in Japan and by Vic Tokai in North America in 1993 as a sequel to Columns II: The Voyage Through Time. Wikipedia
Plot: Monkey Puncher is a video game for the Game Boy Color, developed by Taito Corporation, and released in December 2000. The game's goal is to train a monkey to fight in organised boxing matches in order to save the main character's father and sibling. Wikipedia