Plot: Empires & Allies is a defunct social network game that was Zynga's first combat and strategy game. The game, the first release by Zynga's Los Angeles studio, launched in twelve languages on June 1, 2011. writer Jake Gaskill called the release the biggest launch of any Zynga title to date....
Plot: Mobile Strike is a freemium mobile massively multiplayer online strategy video game developed and published in 2015 by Machine Zone. The game had a high-profile advertising campaign and became one of the top-grossing apps in 2015 and 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Game of War: Fire Age is a 2013 freemium mobile massively multiplayer online strategy video game developed and published by Machine Zone. The game had a high-profile advertising campaign and was one of the top-grossing apps in 2014 and 2015. Wikipedia