Plot: White Day: A Labyrinth Named School, known as in Korea, is a survival-horror game developed and published by Korean game development studio Sonnori in 2001. The game was remade in 2015 by ROI Games, and was directed and produced by the former CEO of Sonnori. Wikipedia
Plot: OPUS: Rocket of Whispers is a 2D adventure game developed by Taiwanese independent studio SIGONO. It is the second installment of the OPUS series that began with OPUS: The Day We Found Earth, and focuses on story and exploration, much like its predecessor. Wikipedia
Plot: Detention is a horror adventure video game created and developed by Taiwanese game developer Red Candle Games for Steam. It is a 2D atmospheric horror side-scroller set in 1960s Taiwan under martial law. The game also incorporates religious elements based on Taiwanese culture and mythology. Wikipedia...