Plot: Chuckie Egg 2 is the sequel to 1983 video game Chuckie Egg. Released in 1985 and featuring the same lead character, Henhouse Harry, the game took players beyond the single-screen format of the original into a large factory. Wikipedia
Plot: Mission Omega is a computer game published in 1986 by Incentive Software for the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC home computers. It was programmed by Stephen Ward. Wikipedia
Plot: Chiller is a light gun arcade game released in 1986 by Exidy. An unlicensed port was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990 by American Game Cartridges in the US, and in Australia by HES, with the option of using either the standard controller or the NES Zapper. Wikipedia
Plot: Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager is a 1989 video game that was released in Europe. The game involves taking the role of Kenny Dalglish as he manages an English football team from the Football League Fourth Division right to the Football League First Division. Wikipedia
Plot: Better Dead Than Alien is a fixed shooter published in 1988 for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64 and MS-DOS by Electra. A fixed shooter allowing some vertical movement, the player takes control of hero Brad Zoom's ship in his quest to save civilization from aliens. Wikipedia